Cleaning Remington 760 Gamemaster
Shedhorn Sports is a premier source for firearms, sporting goods, and outdoor activity equipment. We specialize in outfitting the discriminating sportsman from top to. Remington Model 760 Gamemaster Slide Action Rifles and Carbines Click Here To See Left Side Image of Early Carbine. Find gamemaster 760 for sale at GunBroker. You can buy gamemaster 760 with confidence from thousands of sellers who list. Year Production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster in. 3. Savage Sellers Information. When emailing or calling sellers direct. Guns. International. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Platinum Seller. Number of Active Listings 2. Total Number of Listings 2. Return Policy 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns. Payment Types Accepted Visa,Master Card, Discover,Check. Year Production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster in. 3. Savage Description Remington started producing the Model 7. Gamemaster in 1. According to the barrel date code CYY, this example was a first year production gun in April of 1. It is chambered in a very neat but scarce caliber,. Savage. These 7. Gamemasters were only offered in. Savage caliber from 1. This rifle is 1. 00 original and is in very good shape overall. The original factory blue finish would rate a solid 9. It is very rare that you find one of these centerfire pumps that hasnt been drilled and tapped, much less a first year production rifle that is 6. This rifle has been hunted with and shot, and as such has some dings and scratches here and there and in the stock set as well. Mainly, the finish wear on the metal parts of the gun that is visible is high edge wear from carrying it and working the pump action. The forearm has a couple of small cracks in the right side that have been repaired and reinforced some time ago. They are not noticeable unless you look very closely or look from the inside of the forearm where the epoxy reinforcement has been added. I took a close up of the area so you can see in the pictures. Overall, the original Walnut stock set looks great and it is certainly solid and tight to the gun. The 2. 2 inch barrel has a minty looking bore that is bright with strong rifling. The lands and grooves are sharp and prominent and there are no signs of erosion or pitting of any kind. The factory iron sights are in great shape and the rear sight still has the original elevator present. The original factory aluminum buttplate is good shape overall, tight to the gun with the typical black finish loss you often see on these models. It comes with an original factory magazine made for the. Savage caliber only in excellent condition. This 6. 5 year old 1st year production Remington Model 7. Cleaning Remington 760 Gamemaster Value' title='Cleaning Remington 760 Gamemaster Value' />Cleaning Remington 760 Gamemaster Chambered In 3006Gamemaster is an American classic, and this is a rare opportunity to get one that has never had optics added to it and in a pretty scarce caliber to boot CurioRelic Yes. Manufacturer. Click Photo to Enlarge Print . Sellers Information. When emailing or calling sellers direct. Guns. International. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Platinum Seller. Number of Active Listings 2. Total Number of Listings 2. Return Policy 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns. Windows 7 Usb Dvd Tool. Payment Types Accepted Visa,Master Card, Discover,Check. Year Production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster in. 3. Savage Description Remington started producing the Model 7. Cardiac Perfusion Programs. Gamemaster in 1. According to the barrel date code CYY, this example was a first year production gun in April of 1. It is chambered in a very neat but scarce caliber,. Savage. These 7. Gamemasters were only offered in. Savage caliber from 1. This rifle is 1. 00 original and is in very good shape overall. The original factory blue finish would rate a solid 9. It is very rare that you find one of these centerfire pumps that hasnt been drilled and tapped, much less a first year production rifle that is 6. This rifle has been hunted with and shot, and as such has some dings and scratches here and there and in the stock set as well. Mainly, the finish wear on the metal parts of the gun that is visible is high edge wear from carrying it and working the pump action. The forearm has a couple of small cracks in the right side that have been repaired and reinforced some time ago. They are not noticeable unless you look very closely or look from the inside of the forearm where the epoxy reinforcement has been added. Download Skill And Personality Development Program Centre For Sc/St Students here. I took a close up of the area so you can see in the pictures. Overall, the original Walnut stock set looks great and it is certainly solid and tight to the gun. The 2. 2 inch barrel has a minty looking bore that is bright with strong rifling. The lands and grooves are sharp and prominent and there are no signs of erosion or pitting of any kind. The factory iron sights are in great shape and the rear sight still has the original elevator present. The original factory aluminum buttplate is good shape overall, tight to the gun with the typical black finish loss you often see on these models. It comes with an original factory magazine made for the. Savage caliber only in excellent condition. This 6. 5 year old 1st year production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster is an American classic, and this is a rare opportunity to get one that has never had optics added to it and in a pretty scarce caliber to boot CurioRelic Yes. Manufacturer. Sellers Information. When emailing or calling sellers direct. Guns. International. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Platinum Seller. Number of Active Listings 2. Total Number of Listings 2. Return Policy 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns. Payment Types Accepted Visa,Master Card, Discover,Check. Year Production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster in. 3. Savage Description Remington started producing the Model 7. Gamemaster in 1. According to the barrel date code CYY, this example was a first year production gun in April of 1. It is chambered in a very neat but scarce caliber,. Savage. These 7. Gamemasters were only offered in. Savage caliber from 1. This rifle is 1. 00 original and is in very good shape overall. The original factory blue finish would rate a solid 9. It is very rare that you find one of these centerfire pumps that hasnt been drilled and tapped, much less a first year production rifle that is 6. This rifle has been hunted with and shot, and as such has some dings and scratches here and there and in the stock set as well. Mainly, the finish wear on the metal parts of the gun that is visible is high edge wear from carrying it and working the pump action. The forearm has a couple of small cracks in the right side that have been repaired and reinforced some time ago. They are not noticeable unless you look very closely or look from the inside of the forearm where the epoxy reinforcement has been added. I took a close up of the area so you can see in the pictures. Overall, the original Walnut stock set looks great and it is certainly solid and tight to the gun. The 2. 2 inch barrel has a minty looking bore that is bright with strong rifling. The lands and grooves are sharp and prominent and there are no signs of erosion or pitting of any kind. The factory iron sights are in great shape and the rear sight still has the original elevator present. The original factory aluminum buttplate is good shape overall, tight to the gun with the typical black finish loss you often see on these models. It comes with an original factory magazine made for the. Savage caliber only in excellent condition. This 6. 5 year old 1st year production Remington Model 7. Gamemaster is an American classic, and this is a rare opportunity to get one that has never had optics added to it and in a pretty scarce caliber to boot CurioRelic Yes. Manufacturer. Sellers Information. When emailing or calling sellers direct. Guns. International. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc. Antique Modern Firearms, Inc.