Drivers Location In Odi 12C

Overview. This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Transportation Global Trade Management Cloud Release 6. Export and Importing Scenarios based on Project orFolder. Hi Everyone,Keeping our java series we have one more piece of code to share. I hope you enjoy it The below code is used to Export and Import all the Scenario from Development Work Rep to Execution Work Rep. For Export there are 3 different options either Export all the scenario. For a Project orFor a Folder orScenarios matching a particular Time period. Note Make sure you either delete the folder or delete all the scenario inside the Export Folder once successful import is done. File. import java. IOException. import java. Parse. Exception. Simple. Date. Format. Collection. import java. Date. import java. Iterator. import oracle. RCU14.png' alt='Drivers Location In Odi 12C' title='Drivers Location In Odi 12C' />Odi. Instance. import oracle. Master. Repository. Db. Info. import oracle. Odi. Instance. Config. Pooling. Attributes. Work. Repository. Db. Info. import oracle. ITransaction. Status. Default. Transaction. Definition. import oracle. Authentication. import oracle. IOdi. Scenario. Source. I have managed an ODI agent successfully. I scheduled it for repeating 21 times in 58 minutes every 3 minutes. For a while it has worked accurately every 3 minutes. Vodafone Telekomnikasyon A. Kariyer. nette nsan kaynaklar departmanna i bavurusu veya staj bavurusu yapmak iin hemen tklayn. Oracle Technology Network provides services and resources to help developers, DBAs, and architects build, deploy, manage, and optimize applications using Oracle. Container. import oracle. Odi. Folder. import oracle. Odi. Project. import oracle. IOdi. Folder. Finder. IOdi. Project. Finder. Odi. Scenario. import oracle. IOdi. Scenario. Finder. Encoding. Options. Odi. Import. Exception. Export. Service. Impl. Import. Service. Impl. Export. Import. String ProjectCode. Odi. Project project. ODI-Studio16-1024x540.png' alt='Drivers Location In Odi 12C' title='Drivers Location In Odi 12C' />String FolderName. Odi. Folder folder. IOException. throws Odi. Import. Exception. Parse. Exception. String args throws IOException, Odi. Import. Exception, Parse. Exception. Please change these Parameters. Development Repository. String Url jdbc oracle thin localhost 1. String Driveroracle. Oracle. Driver. String MasterUserODIMASTER1. G. String MasterPassODIMASTER1. G. String Work. RepWORKREP1. String OdiUserSUPERVISOR. String OdiPassSUNOPSIS. Back when Mercedes was using the reanimated corpse of Pablo Picasso as the head of design for the Unimog division. Understeer is the enemy of any driver, with the front of the car simply refusing to turn no matter how much you angrily saw at the wheel. Many people think its. Execution Repository. In case if your Execution rep is linked to a different Master repository please appropriately create new variables. The present codes assumes that Development and Execution are linked to the same Master Repository. String Work. RepExecutionWORKREPEXECUTION. Exporting Scenario Options. String Export. Folder. PathhomeoracleDocumentsODIExport. While providing path in windows make sure you use. Boolean Export. Package. Scen true. Boolean Export. Interface. Scen true. Boolean Export. Procedure. Scen true. Boolean Export. Variable. Scen false. Boolean Recursive. Export true. Boolean Over. Write. File true. ProjectCode XMT. FolderName FOLDER2. Date based on which the scenario is compared. Simple. Date. Format df new Simple. Date. FormatMM dd yyyy. Date date df. parse1. Master. Repository. Db. Info master. Info new Master. Repository. Db. InfoUrl, Driver, MasterUser,MasterPass. Char. Array, new Pooling. Attributes. Development Repository. Work. Repository. Db. Info work. Info new Work. Repository. Db. InfoWork. Rep, new Pooling. Attributes. Odi. Instance odi. InstanceOdi. Instance. Instancenew Odi. Instance. Configmaster. Info,work. Info. Authentication auth odi. Instance. get. Security. Manager. create. AuthenticationOdiUser,OdiPass. Char. Array. odi. Instance. get. Security. Manager. set. Current. Thread. Authenticationauth. ITransaction. Status trans odi. Instance. get. Transaction. Manager. get. Transactionnew Default. Transaction. Definition. Execution Repository. Work. Repository. Db. Info work. Infoexec new Work. Repository. Db. InfoWork. RepExecution, new Pooling. Attributes. Odi. Instance odi. InstanceexecOdi. Instance. Instancenew Odi. Instance. Configmaster. Info,work. Infoexec. Authentication authexec odi. Instanceexec. get. Security. Manager. AuthenticationOdiUser,OdiPass. Char. Array. odi. Instanceexec. get. Security. Manager. Current. Thread. Authenticationauthexec. ITransaction. Status transexec odi. Instanceexec. get. Transaction. Manager. Transactionnew Default. Transaction. Definition. Export All Scenario by Project. Get Project. project IOdi. Project. Finder odi. Instance. get. Transactional. Entity. Manager. FinderOdi. Project. By. CodeProjectCode. Export. Service. Impl exportnew Export. Service. Implodi. Instance. Encoding. Options Encd. Option new Encoding. Options. System. Exporting all Scenario for the Project ProjectCode. All. Scenariiproject, Export. Folder. Path, Export. Package. Scen, Export. Interface. Scen, Export. Procedure. Scen, Export. Variable. Scen, Encd. Option, Recursive. Export, Over. Write. File. or. Export All Scenario by Folder. Find the folder. Collectionlt Odi. Folder fold IOdi. Folder. Finder odi. Descargar Yu Gi Oh Worldwide Edition Gba Gratis on this page. Instance. get. Transactional. Entity. Manager. FinderOdi. Folder. By. NameFolderName, ProjectCode. Iteratorlt Odi. Folder it fold. Next. folder Odi. Folder it. next. Export. Service. Impl exportnew Export. Service. Implodi. Instance. Encoding. Options Encd. Option new Encoding. Options. System. Exporting all Scenario for the Project ProjectCode and Folder FolderName. All. Scenariifolder, Export. Folder. Path, Export. Package. Scen, Export. Interface. Scen, Export. Procedure. Scen, Export. Variable. Scen, Encd. Option, Recursive. Export, Over. Write. File. or. Export Selected Scenario based on date. Export. Service. Impl exportnew Export. Service. Implodi. Instance. Encoding. Options Encd. Option new Encoding. Options. Reading all scenario. Collection odiscen IOdi. Scenario. Finder odi. Instance. get. Transactional. Entity. Manager. FinderOdi. Scenario. All. for Object scen odiscen. Odi. Scenario odiscenario Odi. Scenarioscen. if odiscenario. Last. Date. beforedate. System. out. println Exporting scenario odiscenario. Name. export. export. To. Xmlodiscenario, Export. Folder. Path, Over. Write. File, Recursive. Export, Encd. Option. Importing Scenarios in INSERTUPDATE Mode. The below code import all the scenarios present in the Exported Folder path, so make sure older files are deleted. Import. Service. Impl importsrvcnew Import. Service. Implodi. Instanceexec. String XMLFilesget. XMLFilesExport. Folder. Path. splitn. String xmlfile XMLFiles. System. out. println Importing scenario XML xmlfile. Object. From. Xmlimportsrvc. IMPORTMODESYNONYMINSERTUPDATE, xmlfile, true. Commit and Close Transaction. Instance. close. Instanceexec. Transaction. Manager. Instanceexec. close. Reading all the XML Files. String get. XMLFilesString Directory. Name. String xmlfiles. String files. File folder new FileDirectory. Name. File list. Of. Files folder. Files. Of. Files. length i. Of. Filesi. is. File. Of. Filesi. get. Name. With. xml files. With. XML. Directory. Namefilesn. Good to see you around and please, keep visiting us Posted Date November 2. Author kdevendr. Comments 1. Comments. Categories How to, Logic, ODI, Others, SDK, SQL, Tips and Tricks. Tags Export, FOLDER, Import, ODI, ODI Scenario, ODISDK, PROJECT, scenario.

This entry was posted on 10/31/2017.